Sharing knowledge about the speedpedelec phenomenon to specific usergroups: cyclists, dealers, manufacturers, lease co's and science
which we do independent from sponsors or manufacturers and not-for-profit.
You will find all the intel and practical information such as hints. Whether it be for helping You choosing Your next speedpedelec or using our SpeedpedelecFinder© for analytical purposes as a productdeveloper.
What more do You need! But seriously, You want more?
Let us know and reach out to us.
During our research we came across a statement from Hannes Neupert, president of the ExtraEnergy organisation since 1996. This statement, dated 1982 (!) describes exactly the starting point of our mission:
I believe that muscle-electric vehicles will play a major role in the future of the world helping to improve some of the major issues the human race is facing: a shift towards renewable energy, traffic congestion in dense urban areas as well as the general lack of exercise in the industrialized countries
Hannes Neupert, 1982